Well we've done it now! We up and got hitched! How we got here was just as much a surprise to us as it is to you. But like everything else, we did it our way. It was a ceremony custom made by the two of us. We had only made the decision a month before. And all the pieces came together just right. This post is mainly just to share the pictures but I will explain a few things as we go.
So the question everyone is asking. What is up with those rings?! They are titanium and rosewood and yes we got them on Etsy. Have you ever run a chainsaw, hammered a piece of metal or put your hands in manure with a giant diamond on? We got rings that match us and the life we live and the things we love. so they are simple, just the way we like it.

We got married on our deck. Just a few hay bales and baskets of petunias for an alter.

It was a glorious day. HOTTT! but beautiful

Of course the bride was late and had to make and entrance...

cowboy boots and all.

We kinda winged our vows.

Of course I cracked jokes through the entire thing.

And before we could finish the puppies broke out of the downstairs and joined in! Oh I wish we had more pics of this commotion!

We finally said, "I do!"

Our neighbors and best friends in Grants Pass were our witnesses.

We had the world's smallest cake! It was a naked lavender and honey buttercream tea cake and the lavender all around it, is from the garden.

Oh sheesh you should have seen how badly we cut the cake.

We had a tiny spread of local preserves and jams

And a shameful amount of pate, foie gras, and other French delicacies.

And while we had flowers for the deck I forgot about something for inside the house.

But that morning the perfect center piece arrived from Andre and Sylvia

A quick photo shoot...

with Caesar...

And then two became one!

A special thanks to all the resources and help we got from several small businesses: